Christmas 2010 has come and gone rather quickly and it was once again another wonderful time. We, ofcourse started our Christmas Eve at Joe Josts! This year since it fell on a Friday, JC was able to be there with us. So I wasn't the mom dragging her two little ones to a beer bar on Christmas Eve. "You have a baby in a bar?!" After spending some time at Joes' stuffing our faces with pickled eggs (Macie loved), specials, and near beer we headed home where we met up with Ahma and Papa. They were on their way to Auntie Ali's so decided they would stop off and do gifts before hand. The girls were so excited the have them there and to see them with gifts in their hands LOL! They both scored on an adorable doll house that they both love to play at among other great gifts. It was a total hit! Christmas Eve ended with Nonna, Papa Chad, Dohey, and the rest of us walking around Naples to look at all of the beautiful lights then coming home to make cookies for Santa! After the cookies for Santa and the carrots for the reindeer were put out we sat down to read The Night Before Christmas.
Christmas morning came and the girls made out like bandits on all of their goodies. Kaylee's new purse and her play make-up bag from Santa were the hit of the day and was Macie's new purse, baby, and truck! Christmas Day was finished up with dinner with the Bloeser clan at Auntie Ali's house where MORE presents were opened from cousins and Aunt Mimi and Uncle Jerry. My goodness! You would think that that was a Christmas beyond Christmas' with all the presents but it wasn't over! That's right a couple days later Bobo and Grandma drove down with a sleigh full of more presents consisting of Tangled wig, dress up chest, doll and buggie, and much more! Aye! I am exhausted just by writing this!! LOL!
It wa so nice to get to have all of our family around us at Christmas even if it wasn't all on the same day and extra nice to have Grandma down with Bobo for a couple of days. Kaylee had a blast holding Grandma hostage in her room while yelling, "Grandma, it's time to put on your make-up!!" Lisa was a great sport as usual!!!
Hope everyone had just as great a Christmas as we did and wishing you all a fantastic 2011!!
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