Monday, February 1, 2010

Free at last!

Well there are no pictures to go along with this post and while I still have many pictures from before Christmas, Christmas, and after I have a post to share without. I have just finished my last class at UoP and will finally soon hold my college degree in my hands!! I can't believe it! It has taken me 14 years of off and on going to school, more off then on, lets face it. I gave up on myself years ago and just figured I could end up with a job that will give me experience and I could just work my way up from there. Well after having Kaylee I knew that wasn't going to work. While my job was great and gave me enough to have a great apartment and a fun life, it definatly wasn't enough for a family. So going back to school was an option to not only give me more opportunities but to ensure my babies knew a college education is a must. If I am able to go back to school and finish my college degree with two babies then there is no excuse for them to not go to college.

In about 3 to 4 years I plan on going back to UoP and obataining my masters in early childhood education and my teaching credential but there is something else that is sounding a lot more interesting to me these days and that is opening up my own store on 2nd street. This is an idea that I am going to have to sit on for a while and know that it is what I REALLY want and something that will be successful. I believe it can be, I just need to find out more information and go from there.

I finally have free time at naps and after the girls go to bed that I do not know what to do with. Wait....yes I do! Enjoy it!! I can't wait to garden this spring, have fun play dates swimming or at the beach, and most of all have nothing lingering over me like a paper due or DQ's due that day. YAY for me!!

1 comment:

  1. WOW. . .I really am impressed. Impressed but not surprised. You've always known what you wanted and have followed the dream to its end. . .and now another dream begins. Look forward to walking into your store in the Shore some day. Oh yea. . .really proud of you too. You done got an edamacation. . . Love you. Dad
