Sunday, February 28, 2010
Rain! Rain! Rain!
Oh my goodness how I remember the days of jumping in puddles and fishing for worms in the gutters on Garford after the rain. On Saturday we had a day of chilly Hawaii type weather, sun then rain...sun then rain...sun then rain. Kaylee took full advantage by running outside in the middle of a down pour to utilize her new "princess" umbrella! To Kaylee's good fortune and suprise Jenna, her BFF was doing the same. What could be better than jumping and running in the rain with your best little friend?

Saturday, February 20, 2010
"Bobo" and his girls. Kaylee talks about Bobo or grandpa as she is now calling him sometimes, all the time. Kaylee knows Bobo lives far away but at the same time she thinks he lives just around the block. On our walks she picks flowers and says, "this is for Bobo when he gets home." I found this picture of Bobo and Kaylee at the pumpkin patch when Kaylee was just 7 months old. I have always LOVED this picture of the two of them!
Bobo was here this past weekend visiting and I had the opportunity to get the same type of picture with he and Macie! I think Dad even has the same hat on in both pictures! LOL! While these two pictures are different they are so much alike. I was so happy that I was able to snap this picture of May May with Bobo at 8 months just one month past the one with he and K-bugs! Maybe it is the handle bars that they are so intrigued with at that age. :)

Thursday, February 11, 2010
Sisters....a special kind of love
Awwww a "sisher's" love! We are so lucky that Kaylee has loved May May since she was in my tummy and continued to love her when we brought her home. Kaylee is so good giving her "sisher" love and watching over her. When Macie wakes up in the morning Kaylee runs in her room with me, climbs up on her crib, and says "Hi sweetie! Good Morning!" Kaylee is full of kisses for her May May and shares her toys so well with her. Kaylee is such a great big sister and a great girl all around!
Our Macie is a little fire cracker and has been since she was born. She is very mellow and rarely makes a peep except for her adorable jibber and her constant baby laughs. When Macie wants something though, she wants it now! She is not shy about letting you know that either! I look forward to her evolving personality everyday!

Our Macie is a little fire cracker and has been since she was born. She is very mellow and rarely makes a peep except for her adorable jibber and her constant baby laughs. When Macie wants something though, she wants it now! She is not shy about letting you know that either! I look forward to her evolving personality everyday!
Marches to her own drum
Ohhh our Kaylee.....what a girl! What can I say, Kaylee seems to find a way to crack me up on a daily basis whether it is something that has come out of her mouth, a look on her face, or her outfits that she puts together herself. With Kaylee, too much is not in her vocabulary. If she has 4 shirts on already and sees another, she will add it. If she has on 2 skirts and thinks one more might add a little something to her already spectaular look, it gets put on. She has a knack of making the most ordinary things look fabulous! ;) Who knows maybe she will become a big name fashion designer or a buyer for Nordstrom??? Then again, if her style stays the same.....

Monday, February 8, 2010
There is something to be said about becoming an adult. Not the part of paying bills, getting married, and having a family of your own but the true measure of becoming an adult and knowing yourself and liking yourself with out judgement. Ok....maybe not without total judgement because lets face it, we are our worst critics. I was watching Oprah the other day and the wonderful new actress who plays in the movie Precious said something that really stuck with me, "I am the person that I wake up with every morning, so what do I care what and how others think of me." We are all told at young ages to not care what others think but in most cases that mentality doesn't usually sink in until we are older. I thought that it was aweome that a young lady was so secure and felt and knew that.
Why do I feel compelled to write this?? I don't know, it is just something that I have been really feeling lately. I have always wanted to wear the clothes that were in fashion and have the house that is up-to-date and according to a certain style and I find myself not really caring about that lately. I have found a sort of peace with myself, about myself. I don't know if this has come with the wonderful 30's or if it is because of my wonderful little family, but there is such a calming feeling not caring what anyone thinks except for me. I like the clothes that I like because they make me feel like me, I like certain elements to my house because it reflects myself and my family, and I want to loose weight because I feel healthier not because I want to look like how society believes the "perfect woman" should look. I just wish that there was a way to have girls feel a sense of security at an early age and maybe the rates of teen pregnancy, teen addiction, and teen suicide wouldn't be as prevalent as it is today.
Why do I feel compelled to write this?? I don't know, it is just something that I have been really feeling lately. I have always wanted to wear the clothes that were in fashion and have the house that is up-to-date and according to a certain style and I find myself not really caring about that lately. I have found a sort of peace with myself, about myself. I don't know if this has come with the wonderful 30's or if it is because of my wonderful little family, but there is such a calming feeling not caring what anyone thinks except for me. I like the clothes that I like because they make me feel like me, I like certain elements to my house because it reflects myself and my family, and I want to loose weight because I feel healthier not because I want to look like how society believes the "perfect woman" should look. I just wish that there was a way to have girls feel a sense of security at an early age and maybe the rates of teen pregnancy, teen addiction, and teen suicide wouldn't be as prevalent as it is today.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Free at last!
Well there are no pictures to go along with this post and while I still have many pictures from before Christmas, Christmas, and after I have a post to share without. I have just finished my last class at UoP and will finally soon hold my college degree in my hands!! I can't believe it! It has taken me 14 years of off and on going to school, more off then on, lets face it. I gave up on myself years ago and just figured I could end up with a job that will give me experience and I could just work my way up from there. Well after having Kaylee I knew that wasn't going to work. While my job was great and gave me enough to have a great apartment and a fun life, it definatly wasn't enough for a family. So going back to school was an option to not only give me more opportunities but to ensure my babies knew a college education is a must. If I am able to go back to school and finish my college degree with two babies then there is no excuse for them to not go to college.
In about 3 to 4 years I plan on going back to UoP and obataining my masters in early childhood education and my teaching credential but there is something else that is sounding a lot more interesting to me these days and that is opening up my own store on 2nd street. This is an idea that I am going to have to sit on for a while and know that it is what I REALLY want and something that will be successful. I believe it can be, I just need to find out more information and go from there.
I finally have free time at naps and after the girls go to bed that I do not know what to do with. Wait....yes I do! Enjoy it!! I can't wait to garden this spring, have fun play dates swimming or at the beach, and most of all have nothing lingering over me like a paper due or DQ's due that day. YAY for me!!
In about 3 to 4 years I plan on going back to UoP and obataining my masters in early childhood education and my teaching credential but there is something else that is sounding a lot more interesting to me these days and that is opening up my own store on 2nd street. This is an idea that I am going to have to sit on for a while and know that it is what I REALLY want and something that will be successful. I believe it can be, I just need to find out more information and go from there.
I finally have free time at naps and after the girls go to bed that I do not know what to do with. Wait....yes I do! Enjoy it!! I can't wait to garden this spring, have fun play dates swimming or at the beach, and most of all have nothing lingering over me like a paper due or DQ's due that day. YAY for me!!
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