Thursday, March 25, 2010
Hmmmm....what's that?
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Kaylee's 3rd Birthday at Disneyland!!
Ok...this is going to be a long post filled with lots of pictures that just mildly sum up the great day we all had at Disneyland for Kaylee bugs birthday! Our big girl turned 3 Tuesday, March 9th.
The morning started off with her riding her new scooter from Ahma and Papa while we waited for Ahma to come over and join us at Disneyland. Notice the fat lip that Kaylee is sporting from falling off the couch rough housing with Daddy.....

Here we are! Our little family arriving at Disneyland first thing in the morning! It was a COLD day!
Kaylee and Papa Chad holding her new Princess Autograph book eager to get her first autographs!
Kaylee and Nonna on Dumbo having so much fun! They are in the yellow one
Dumbo is always a fun time especially riding it with Nonna!
The "girls" waiting to get on Casey Jr.'s train ride! Mine and Kaylee's first time on that ride.

Daddy and Kaylee waiting for Casey Jr's train ride ohh....and her little fat lip too.
It's a small world after all, It's a small world after all, It's a small world after all, It's a small small world
Kaylee loves It's a Small World and sings through the whole ride. I love watching her sweet little face light up as we float through.
Kaylee and her Ahma having fun in Toon Town!
And here we you hear the angels singing? We finally arrived at Ariel's Grotto for the Big Princess Lunch!!
Kaylee was more than happy to have a few pictures taken while we waited for our "lunch time!" What a character she is!
I love this picture! Look at that sweet face.
Dreams really do come true....
Kaylee and Snow White!
Snow White was trying to talk Macie into going back to the castle to live with her
Cinderella...another one of Kaylee's favorites. Well Snow White ranks right there too but she does love Cinderella. Cinderella is showing Kaylee how to do her special princess pose.
And here it is
Such a happy birthday girl!
Kaylee and Sleeping Beauty!
After waiting in line to see Minnie she was escorted off her porch for a "minnie" break. When she was on her way back Kaylee did as her Daddy told her to do......"Run after her Kaylee!
Kaylee and Nonna with the Grasshopper from Bug's Life. Later while in a Bug's Life he was the one who scared her and she and Daddy had to head for the exit.
Ok......Another chance to get a picture with Minnie. Only this time JC and Kaylee were told that Minnie was leaving after this nice family got their picture. So what does JC do....he tells Kaylee to run up and get a picture with Minnie. If you look in the middle of this nice family, Kaylee has wedged herself in the middle of the family and their picture! Leave it to JC....
Mommy and Mays on Winnie the Pooh ride. Macie loved it too!
This picture cracks me up! We were in line to see Tigger and Pooh and Kaylee kept yelling "Tigger!" finally to either be nice or to just shut her up, Tigger came over and kissed and rubbed her head. What'S that about the squeeky wheel.....?
The morning started off with her riding her new scooter from Ahma and Papa while we waited for Ahma to come over and join us at Disneyland. Notice the fat lip that Kaylee is sporting from falling off the couch rough housing with Daddy.....
Daddy and Kaylee waiting for Casey Jr's train ride ohh....and her little fat lip too.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
JC's 5 years!
Today, March 11, 2010 marks 5 years ago that JC got his life back. He has not had a drink for 5 years today and I cannot be more proud of him. To think of the JC that I knew 5,6,7,8,9,10,11 years ago I am so proud to post his 5 years today! Thanks to Jace for wanting to better his life we have a wonderful little family today with our two beautiful daughters. Without his sobriety they would not be here today. Thank you babe....WE LOVE YOU!
Birthday Ariel!
There are many more pictures to post as soon as Jace gives me his pictures from Tuesday. I had to post this picture though just for the fact that she cracks me up! She took it upon herself to go up to this wall and just lean and pose against it. People were pointing and smiling at her while little girls were tugging at their mom's shirts pointing and saying "look at Ariel! I want one of those!" Ohhh my Kaylee girl....gotta love her!
I will post more ASAP!
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Little Mermaid
Bugs got the first of her birthday presents today. Bobo and Grandma Lisa sent her a package filled with Little Mermaid goodies. Was she excited? Ummmmm just a bit!
Macie Laughing
I love Macie's little laughs! She is so happy and so full of smiles and giggles. She loves her big sister Kaylee as you can see here.....
LB Airport
Unfortunatly I do not have any pictures to go along with this post! I could really kick myself for not but we were not expecting to go by th airport last night. Anyways, Kaylee has always had a fasination with airplanes, guess she gets that from her BoBo. One thing though that she has NOT had a fasination with are the fighter jets, F-15's I believe, that land at LB airport every few days. I always run outside to see them fly over but kaylee usually either runs to one of us or takes cover somewhere. We recently started taking Kaylee to the airport to watch the airplanes land and take off like I used to do with Dad when I was a kid, those memories have always been some of my favorites.
Kaylee was a fan right away and became even more of a fan when one pilot tipped his wings to wave at her after he took off. We were lucky enought to see two C-17's take off and when they taxied down the runway, she waved at the pilots and they gave her a big wave back. After that she was not afraid of the monster aircraft but still did NOT want to be there when the fighter jets came in.
Last night she asked if we could go by there after dinner. She and Jace got out of the car while I fed Macie and he threw her up on his shoulders. We heard the engines start up but couldn't see them so she didn't know what was happening until they taxied right past her. A little hesitant at first she gave them a half hearted wave and put her hands over her ears as if she would die if she didn't. The sight of those guys taking off at night was absolutley awesome!! Ang will totally make fun of me now but the glow as they take off and the way your whole body vibrates is an experience, not to mention hoping the windows in the car didn't explode. After they took off, bugs got back in the car and when I asked her how she liked it she replied, "I'm not sure yet Mommy." Two seconds later she yelled out, "That was awesome!!"
Kaylee was a fan right away and became even more of a fan when one pilot tipped his wings to wave at her after he took off. We were lucky enought to see two C-17's take off and when they taxied down the runway, she waved at the pilots and they gave her a big wave back. After that she was not afraid of the monster aircraft but still did NOT want to be there when the fighter jets came in.
Last night she asked if we could go by there after dinner. She and Jace got out of the car while I fed Macie and he threw her up on his shoulders. We heard the engines start up but couldn't see them so she didn't know what was happening until they taxied right past her. A little hesitant at first she gave them a half hearted wave and put her hands over her ears as if she would die if she didn't. The sight of those guys taking off at night was absolutley awesome!! Ang will totally make fun of me now but the glow as they take off and the way your whole body vibrates is an experience, not to mention hoping the windows in the car didn't explode. After they took off, bugs got back in the car and when I asked her how she liked it she replied, "I'm not sure yet Mommy." Two seconds later she yelled out, "That was awesome!!"
Monday, March 1, 2010
Macie...Macie...Macie. Our Monkey girl is 9 months old and I cannot believe how fast it has gone. I wish that there was a button that we could push to pause time for a little bit. I was looking at Kaylee the other day and it amazes me how big she is getting as well. 3 months from now our Macie will be 1 year old! How did that happen? I feel like I just came home from the hospital with her yesterday.
Macie is going to be crawling any minute now. She has the movement down and the desire but she just can't quite get it going yet. She says MaMa in her own little way. She is such a love and so full of smiles and laughter that you just cannot help but kiss and hug her every few minutes. Macie is in love with her big sister watching her every move and every emotion. If Kaylee cries, Macie cries; if Kaylee laughs, Macie laughs; if Kaylee makes noise with her mouth,Macie does the same. The love is definatly not one sided either, Kaylee adores her little sister and is always giving her hugs and kisses.
Butterfly Biker
I just had to post the pictures above because I love it when Kaylee dresses up in her pink skirt and butterfly wings. The video is Kaylee riding a "Big Girl" bike. Jason and Erika brought this bike over for bugs ( so nice of them) and she can't do anything but think about riding it. It has taken a long time to get used the concept of peddling and steering but last week it all of a sudden clicked. It is amazing how quick they catch onto things. So since yesterday, when the bike showed up in our porch, Kaylee has been all about riding it.
She took her first of many diggers today, cried a little, and ran towards me until she caught a glimpse of a dandelion and all was forgotten. How easy they bounce back.
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