Saturday, October 3, 2009

Monster Slide!

Kaylee going down the huge slide at Pa's Pumpkin Patch!

Let the Halloween fun begin!

For those who do not know, I am a Halloween Junkie!! The pumpkin patch opened here on Friday October2nd and we were there!! I have gotten Kaylee to love Halloween as much as I do so she was so excited to go and play. She got the sit on the pumpkins, ride the ponies, go on the carousel, ride the flying elephants, chase the lambs around the peting zoo (poor lambs), go on Pa's train, and go down the enormouse slide. SHe is so brave when it comes to fun rides especially slides that she was so determined to go down this huge inflatable slide that even I wouldn't dare go down but she did it and had a blast!!

Our girls today

Our girls are getting so big. Macie is now 4 months old and Kaylee is 2 1/2. Time is going by so fast and we are trying our hardet to take in every moment with our babies. Kaylee has turned into such a ham and keeps us laughing all the time. She is such a sweet, nice girl that my heart melts with any look of hurt on her little face. She has a best friend, Jenna who lives next door an is 6 months younger so they play everyday outfront together and Kaylee loves to stand on her bed and yell out her side bedroom window, "Jenna where are you?!" It is definatly a sign of days to come with those two.
Macie is getting so big and is the happiest little girl I have ever seen. She wakes up with a huge smile every morning and all you have to do is look at her and she is smiling or laughing. We are so entertained by her on a daily basis. Her personality is coming out so much and I can tell she is going to be really fun and she and Kaylee are going to have a blast together. Kaylee is very anxious for that day to come.