Today he had his well check and he weighed in at a whopping 18.4lbs!!! He is in the 95th percentile in weight and only 75th percentile in height. My little chunky short love of a baby boy!! Momma LOVES YOU!!!!
Friday, August 12, 2011
Gannon/Mr. Man/Booger Butt/Momma Loves.....
He will answer to pretty much everything and always with a smile. Gannon is the happiest, funniest, loving, most easy baby ever. I am so blessed with my 3 babies, I really am. Anyways we are talking about lil G here ;)
Today he had his well check and he weighed in at a whopping 18.4lbs!!! He is in the 95th percentile in weight and only 75th percentile in height. My little chunky short love of a baby boy!! Momma LOVES YOU!!!!
Today he had his well check and he weighed in at a whopping 18.4lbs!!! He is in the 95th percentile in weight and only 75th percentile in height. My little chunky short love of a baby boy!! Momma LOVES YOU!!!!
Summmma time...
Summer time has come and because I have been so busy, it has almost past without me updating our blog! I can't believe how busy three kids and my days have kept me. This is getting a bit rediculous....I know. I will work on it, I promise.
So the Bloeser Family's summer has been busy, fun, exhausting, and it is far from over. Our summer started off with Concert in the Park. We are so lucky to live walking distance to Whaley so that we have a concert in the park that is right there. The girls love to pile in the wagon along with all of our things and have dad heave and ho them to their final destination..........crazy play time with friends. Let's move on to the rest of our summer shall we?
July 4th. Getting ready to head over to Ahma and Papa's house so that we can check out the awesome fire work show put on by Virginia Country Club.
4th of July tradition of Schooner or Later with all of our friends. The table is growing with all of our kids that have been showing up all over the place. Macie and Kaylee with their friend Gracie girl!
There is nothing like a little brother/sister time to pass away a summer morning. He definatly is not needy for attention with his big sisters around.
The Aquarium of the Pacific is always a summer day (or any day) saver when you just need a morning to waste. What could be better than having your BFF there with you to check out the sea lions?
There can never be enough sunny, out front, sidewalk chalk, jeep riding, skipping, sliding, giggly friend summer days in the front yard.
So the Bloeser Family's summer has been busy, fun, exhausting, and it is far from over. Our summer started off with Concert in the Park. We are so lucky to live walking distance to Whaley so that we have a concert in the park that is right there. The girls love to pile in the wagon along with all of our things and have dad heave and ho them to their final destination..........crazy play time with friends. Let's move on to the rest of our summer shall we?
The summer wasn't all fun and games....ok..ok so this picture doesn't look all sad and tortured. Really though we were. This was my sister's going away party before she moved to Nashville, TN. We were able to have a mini Garford St. reunion. These people have known me since I was brought home from the hospital. Well ofcourse my parents and my sister have but I am talking about Beau and Kathi Williams. Come on now people! Beau and Kathi.......good people!!
:( Our last family dinner with our Doh-Doh before she moved. We miss her terribly....TERRIBLY (do you hear me Angela?!)
We made our first trip of the summer over to the island...that's Catalina Island to you Nor Cali's. ;) Lil Miss Sassy Pants felt the need to strut her stuff down Crescent Ave. Hey, what's that saying?? If you've got it, flaunt it? maybe that doesn't apply to a 4 year old...
So it looks like we have had a pretty good summer so far right? We have. It's been days at the beach, days in the pool when we couldn't get down to the beach, fun mornin classes for Kaylee at the Nature Center, evenings watching planes come in and out at the airport, etc... We still have more to go.....I CAN'T WAIT!!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Gannon Tyler 3-26-11
Friday, March 25th I had a hair appointment, needed to take the car in to get serviced, put Gannon's carseat in the car, and needed to make it to see our Kaylee bug in her school's Spring Performance. I made it through all but during Kaylee's performace I was hoping and praying for my water not to break. Gannon cooperated and settled down after a while. After putting the girls to bed that night I started getting "Braxton Hicks" which was a common occurance at this point. After a few I looked at JC and said that these may not be Braxton Hicks but could be real contractions. After timing them I decided to walk around a bit to see if they went away. The contractions decreased and so I went to bed thinking ok, they were Braxton Hicks. I was rudely woken up by some sharp but irrgegular contractions....I called the doc. Because Gannon had gotten himself into a transverse position (sideways inside) they did not want my water breaking so she told me to go into L&D to get evaluated. I felt a little silly walking in because my contractions were so irregular that I thought for sure I wasn't in labor as did the nurse. Well after an ultrasound to see if Lil G was still in the same position, monitoring my contractions, and calling the doctor back I was given a bracelet. JC said, "wait are they admitting you?!" I said "noooo we will be going home." WRONG! A rush of nurses came into the room and they informed me I was being taken into the OR to have a C-Section in about 20 minutes! WHAT!? I was definatly not prepared for that bit of news, I thought for sure I was headed home. Our sweet Gannon was born on Saturday, March 26, 2011 at 2:11am (2 weeks early). I was terrified to have a C-section since I had not had to have one with the girls and was so sad that I could not hold him right away. JC stayed with him and Daddy took good care of him. I could not believe what a blonde beautiful baby he is and from the moment I saw him, I fell in love with him. Even though he is our third baby I still find myself checking to see if he is breathing and anxious with every little noise he makes. There is a love for this little man that I cannot describe. It is a love that is just as intense as what I have for his precious two big sisters but different at the same time. I pray that he takes his time growing up and I mean just into his toddler years. He is my last baby and I want to cherish every wonderful moment that I am given. I think the greatest thing I have ever done in my life and ever will do is becoming a Mommy. I truely am blessed beyond belief!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
My Bugs
About 45 minutes ago, 4 years ago I was laying in bed when my water broke and I was on my way to the hospital with JC to meet our first baby girl......Kaylee Bug!!! Kaylee was born on Friday March 9, 2007 at 3:43 am. It was a hard labor but when it was over it was over and I got to hold the most beautiful baby girl in my arms. Kaylee was a great, easy, and mellow baby from the beginning. As she grew, she grew into quite the little character always making us laugh with her crazy little expressions and her outrageous sayings. I can't believe that tomorrow she will offically be 4 years old. She has grown into such an awesome little girl who at times tests her boundaries but is a sweetheart and wonderful through and through. I am very proud to be her mommy and so blessed that I have gotten to stay home and watch her grow and thrive. We are so lucky to be her parents and learn from her everyday.
8 months pregnant with Kaylee

Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Baby Shower for "Lil G"
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